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This ones for the posers, the haters, closet mir'rs and also the faggots.


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why not hit 4 birds with 1 stone?

Lets start with tango. the poser. You think because your 5ft5, and look big thats an accomplishment? bro, I could have 10 inch arms and be 5ft5 and looked jacked it isnt hard, And you take all kindsssssss of drugs to cheat. I'm guessing you took a fucking 10 year sports diploma and some shithole metropolitan school and learnt a bunch of meaningless broscience that you spew out on here to make yourself feel like that 10 year sports diploma amounted to something. Nigga you ain't shit. I'd suggest amputating your legs, lieing to the doctors and say you were 6ft+, get some tall plastic legs for free on behalf of the NHS and you'll already be one step closer to being Alpha like i am.

lets not forget the hater. Veta, aka BETA who doesn't even lift but still posts in this section. Next time you register on some forums, make sure to fucking spell the name correct before you click register. BETA, NOT VETA, GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD.

Before you critique other peoples hard work, look in the fucking mirror and be honest with yourself. If you're really 6,3 170lbs, good for you. You got lucky in the genetics area but in all seriousness, stick to volleyball. Can we get a volleyball section here?

Closet Mirer. DERP. Dog. I know you beat your dick to the thought of getting a visit from me. I know your sitting their preparing your angus, praying to be on my level. I will laugh when you quit, just like 0BR did. Now he can't bare to read this section as it represents the scars of his failures at bodybuilding. I know you can't handle me being all natch-oh-rell. Don't forget, you can lie about not taking steroids on here, but obviously you didn't do your research because the benefits of being natural for the first several years go far beyond having bragging rights.

And finally the faggots. This one goes to all of you. Anyone reading this, anyone who's seen my aesthetic body. Because lets face it, you can't remain straight after seeing such a perfect specimen of a man You can't remain straigh after witnessing man convert to god. I'd suggest calving a statue in my name, and praying to it over 9000 times a day.

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Don’t ****ing mock me you pompous piece of ****. I don’t know who the **** you think you are but your obviously a dip**** who goes around acting like hes better than people buy im sure you just an ignorant **** just like everyone else you ****head. You know its pompous ignorant ****s like you who make me so mad i could ****ing murder a bitch. You think im ****ing playing games here? Hey i aint scared brother. I got a 45 with your name on it. So just come on over. Bring your gun and we’ll meet somewhere and we’ll just ****ing shoot this out cause i don’t give a **** man. I really dont. I just busted a nut in your moms face so what. You think i care if i ****ing live or die ill ****ing put a bullet in your head. This aint no joke man. Ill ****ing cut up your dead body and march around wearing your head as a hat while playing your penis like a flute to the tune of yankee doodle dandy. You wanna keep talking ****. Bring it bitch.

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And finally the faggots. This one goes to all of you. Anyone reading this, anyone who's seen my aesthetic body. Because lets face it, you can't remain straight after seeing such a perfect specimen of a man You can't remain straigh after witnessing man convert to god. I'd suggest calving a statue in my name, and praying to it over 9000 times a day.

you got me

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you're clearly trying to bait responses in an attempt to a.) repond to their posts and show "intellectual superiority" to them b.) if they outwit you say "LOL BAITED FAGGOT"

either way you're wasting your time in life, i don't give a shit about your body - nor will i ever, nor will anyone here, nor will those who mean the most to you irl

i don't even know you but you're embarassing will

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i thought the purpose of this was to inspire each other not mock :l

-not sure but i think he wants to be banned so he stops wasting so much time reading runescape related threads, Forums can be time consuming

Edited by k or as i
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Hotkeying if you can't handle the trolls or the posts from people I'd suggest you leave.


And finally the faggots. This one goes to all of you. Anyone reading this, anyone who's seen my aesthetic body. Because lets face it, you can't remain straight after seeing such a perfect specimen of a man You can't remain straigh after witnessing man convert to god. I'd suggest calving a statue in my name, and praying to it over 9000 times a day.

you got me


you're clearly trying to bait responses in an attempt to a.) repond to their posts and show "intellectual superiority" to them b.) if they outwit you say "LOL BAITED FAGGOT"

either way you're wasting your time in life, i don't give a shit about your body - nor will i ever, nor will anyone here, nor will those who mean the most to you irl

i don't even know you but you're embarassing will


i thought the purpose of this was to inspire each other not mock :l

it is what is it

do you actually act like this in person? just what is the point lol, why are u looking for confrontation on a forum

no only on internet

im not even active on h&f

i gathered.



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lol im really 6'2.5 175 lbs anyways i work out two times a week with my team and usually 1-2 times a week by myself or with friends, i'll admit my genetic pool was quite lucky but i've lifted for awhile now and have been making gains. i can critique every person on this forum as can you, no one here is qualified enough for me to take notice to. I respect your gains and what you've achieved but i cant stand your attitude on this site. You come off as a little geek that talks about his wikipedia knowledge of lifting. I'm not claiming that i know more about lifting than you or am better than you but you should of tried earning the respect of the people around here. Don't come onto a runescape forum expecting to be taken seriously.

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