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best defence level?

Almost Dutch

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Are you really asking this question? Oh my..........

Yes, I am asking this, obviously there isn't a defense level that's "the best" or every pure would have it, that's why I ask, because people have different defense levels and can say oh well this one is good, and has this or this one you die, or this is a mix of blah blah blah, so yeah I am asking

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Why 20.. The corrupt armours don't even make it fair....its just an overkill completely and is the defense really worth the combat?

I say 20 defence is good if you can afford to pk with corrupt armours, and you have gotten rune gloves, otherwise stay 1.

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Are you really asking this question? Oh my..........

Yes, I am asking this, obviously there isn't a defense level that's "the best" or every pure would have it,


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You clearly have no idea, 1 obviously. You really think 1-20 is going to save your ass much? Theres hardly any difference and no way is it worth the combat levels.

And i lol'd at you saying you may get 11 deff.........

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You clearly have no idea, 1 obviously. You really think 1-20 is going to save your ass much? Theres hardly any difference and no way is it worth the combat levels.

And i lol'd at you saying you may get 11 deff.........

i lol'd at your brittney spears avatar.

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i've always been very strict on saying 1def, any higher defence is just a ballast of combat levels.

however today i watched justins vid (missme) and i must say... its pretty damn nice... :s

i guess 20def isnt as bad as 99attack :p

choose wiselesy between 1 or 20 defence. because if you're 20def and like p2p pking be sure and willing to spend money on the pvp armours.

oh, also check out markedpk and bonesawpk vids. also pures that use corrupt armour in their pk vids.

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You clearly have no idea, 1 obviously. You really think 1-20 is going to save your ass much? Theres hardly any difference and no way is it worth the combat levels.

And i lol'd at you saying you may get 11 deff.........

i lol'd at your brittney spears avatar.

You have a wierd sense of humour

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i've always been very strict on saying 1def, any higher defence is just a ballast of combat levels.

however today i watched justins vid (missme) and i must say... its pretty damn nice... :s

i guess 20def isnt as bad as 99attack :p

choose wiselesy between 1 or 20 defence. because if you're 20def and like p2p pking be sure and willing to spend money on the pvp armours.

oh, also check out markedpk and bonesawpk vids. also pures that use corrupt armour in their pk vids.

thanks for the help, my main point was, i was trying to find a defense level you could pk with. clan and single that dosent wreck your combat

and that if 20 defense was the best, why would there still be people that are pures without 20 defense, so obviously theres a reason behind it for them,

no need for the flaming though.

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- Vestas

- Statius

- Mith Defender

- Initiate

- Mystic

- Enchanted

- Rune gloves

- Slayer Helm (Comes with 10 but oh well)

I agree but the player using those items must have the stats to be good with them. So 20 def is only good after id say 85 cb.

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20 def... but stay 1 def till like high combat... dont make same mistake.... if u enjoy pkikng rgiht now at ur level stay with 1,,,, but this post is pretty old u prob already made ur mind :)

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