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Guide to getting 2 def


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Wow your a real ass hole

There is no need for this, and is basically scamming just in a more acceptable way because idiots like you find it funny

I'm not scamming anyone you idiot, I'm just suggesting a weapon, which I find pretty good for training some skills. If they don't check their attack style, its their problem.

Oh yeah, 'suggesting a weapon' that is good for training defence- if you didnt give them the opportunity then, they may not have encountered this at all did you think about that? Only time a pure would even need to use a spear is Drag at fog or when an asshole like you decides to fuck up theyre account, and even these are rare. It is completely scamming; it is the same as saying 'free armour trimming'. These newbs trust you because your higher level and rightfully so players like you wouldnt normally do this as it is plain and simply a dick move. Why did you even do this? Because it is funny according to you? And you were bored? You could of gone to castle wars, fog, or soulwars which are equally as stimulating and not as destructive to the pure community as tricking these new pures in to getting 2 defence.

What if these pures were actually aspiring to join a pure clan when they train up- if they knew at the time that it was you who tricked them in to getting 2 defence im sure they would reconcider joining this one.

Before you ask- i was never tricked in to this, i just feel strongly that this was a gigantic dick move and is not funny at all.

Cry me a fuckin river...

1. Scamming is stealing something. I'm not stealing anything  :victory:

2. Soul wars, fog, and Cw aren't as stimulating. I was bored, and gave away a few weps to newbs. SO WHAT? I didn't even ruin that many pures. Like 10 tops

3. Lame "what if they were... blah blah blah" pure clan. Great, pure clans have filled with ppl who have 2 def, and they usually get it themselves, its not that big a deal.

4. I don't trick people who are nice (sounds gay huh). Only ppl who annoy me while alching at crabs.

5. Now stop insulting me u faggot and go on with your life.  ;)

4. I don't trick people who are nice (sounds gay huh). Only ppl who annoy me while alching at crabs.

...No reason to even be alching in Crabs without being the douchebag yourself. Showing off your stats, and alching are 2 completely different things.

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this is alot like defence house back int he day pro cook would trick pures into attacking men in the man hut with spears and say he would pay them 100k if they could kill 10 in under a minute with bronze spear or some shit lmao

but gj

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