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MM kids run from a lvl 69+8

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Before i get flamed. I realize i don't have mith gloves. I have blacks atm and cba to get miths until my friend catches up to me. I got into an arguement with "I skype Moms" in a cc we were both in. He asked me to fight him. He's in MM. I made him run and then his boyfriend starting flaming me. He asked me to fight him in multi. So we fought and these are the videos. Btw Yes my kyatt does alot of the work. But in my defence that's kinda the point of summoning. To help you kill things. Enjoy or flame idc lol.

Also if someone can tell me why these aren't showing up and tell me how to fix them that'd be great. otherwise you need to click the direct link.



Edit: Fixed

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Before i get flamed. I realize i don't have mith gloves. I have blacks atm and cba to get miths until my friend catches up to me. I got into an arguement with "I skype Moms" in a cc we were both in. He asked me to fight him. He's in MM. I made him run and then his boyfriend starting flaming me. He asked me to fight him in multi. So we fought and these are the videos. Btw Yes my kyatt does alot of the work. But in my defence that's kinda the point of summoning. To help you kill things. Enjoy or flame idc lol.

Also if someone can tell me why these aren't showing up and tell me how to fix them that'd be great. otherwise you need to click the direct link.



2nd video is broken and you do realise you're the retard in this situation?

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Yes, and thanks.

Yeah, i wasn't saying i was good. Like MM raged hard over these vids. I was just saying those particular members aren't good.

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you do realize ur pokemon did more damage than urself? if he brought one aswell u would of been slaughtered. its not like he couldnt of beaten u foe-style with overheads, he just wanted to give u fair fight even though you had a summoning.

just.. facedesk really...

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you do realize ur pokemon did more damage than urself? if he brought one aswell u would of been slaughtered. its not like he couldnt of beaten u foe-style with overheads, he just wanted to give u fair fight even though you had a summoning.

just.. facedesk really...

still... the guys still almost a maxed 60 atker lol

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you do realize ur pokemon did more damage than urself? if he brought one aswell u would of been slaughtered. its not like he couldnt of beaten u foe-style with overheads, he just wanted to give u fair fight even though you had a summoning.

just.. facedesk really...

still... the guys still almost a maxed 60 atker lol

u need some perspective.. a lvl 60 with a steel titan could easily beat a lvl 100 maxed 20def pure fighting the same way they just did.

pokemons r ownage

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nice stuff, its their fault to be in multi at the first place :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

ps: it's 2k11 runescape pking  ;)

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Its zeh noob

[15:56:56] -[uR]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Haha Im Zerk was not found in the RSHSC.

nice kyatt though, and ye he was noob lol

Gamed  :lol:

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