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Smoke / Drink


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tbh i really tried to start smoking cigs, but i just couldn't.

smoked without liking it for about 6months then i just said fuck it and quit

but nothing will  make me stop drinking :D

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cigs: 10 - 20 a day

drink: everyday at least 2 - 3 beers, sometimes i'll drink a 12 pack.. never really more than that though unless i'm going out and PLAN on getting shitty...

weed: every day i can, on my way home from work i'll usually smoke 1 bowl, then i might have 1 more before bed...

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Never smoked a cigarette in my life and never will as it's fucking retarded

Never smoked weed and don't really have any desire to

I have a beer or two just about every day

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if you start drinking you will beat up your wife and your kids every day and end up in jail after killing people when drunk driving and then after failing to quit drinking for the 30th time you will kill yourself but fail because you don't have a job because you're an alcoholic so you couldn't buy a decent gun to shoot yourself with.

so then you smoke that first cig and you become instantly addicted you smell like shit nobody likes you and you smoke some more but your wife gets lung cancer even though she doesn't smoke and your family hates you and you try to kill yourself again but since you're an alcoholic and a heavy smoker you have even less money so you fail again and then you stay alone for the rest of your life because failing two gunshot suicides doesn't increase your sex appeal and you look like this



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Gareth l Rare

Must i even comment?


btw andy im getting some stawberry hayze tomorrow

shame you 2 bus's, train and underground away ;) but ima be down london for next few weeks

No luke thats not an invite haha

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because failing two gunshot suicides doesn't increase your sex appeal and you look like this

How the fuck do you fail at shooting yourself? Not that I'd recommend succeeding...

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because failing two gunshot suicides doesn't increase your sex appeal and you look like this

How the fuck do you fail at shooting yourself? Not that I'd recommend succeeding...

lol emo wants tips

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because failing two gunshot suicides doesn't increase your sex appeal and you look like this

How the fuck do you fail at shooting yourself? Not that I'd recommend succeeding...

lol emo wants tips

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if that made even a little sense i'd congratulate you.

the entire notion of shooting oneself needs no explanation, so you can't possibly need tips. you shoot yourself. Unless you go about shooting your toes off individually.

unless i'm asking for tips to fail which would be the opposite of emo, correct? Your persistance amuses me though, which is what led to me actually commenting again on one of your infantile responses.

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you want to know why he was unsuccessfull so you don't make the same mistake. was tht hard?


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drink not to often unless a party or somthing comes up about 2-4 times a month, smoke alot of cannbis which im going to stop, about 10 spliffs a week

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Drinking on the weekends at parties.

I get high like every 1-2 days usually...

I've had like 3 cigs in my life, I didn't like them at all.

You're 14 and you say you get high every 1-2 days? and drink on weekends?

Sort your life out bro.

I've never smoked weed or cigs.

I drink every 1-2 weeks =)

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