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Lost Armadyl Godsword


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5tup1d ch0ob

sucks man but ive lost ags too....... but atleast you still have the acount

Mine got perm banned after i made all the money back.

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Its zeh noob

Kut man, I could give you some tips how to get alot off the cash back -I'll pm u ingame- If you already havn't any ideas

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Sucks man don't quit its just money won't take to long to make it back nothing to quit over for sure but w.e you decide gl with it ^_^

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I think he should quit for awhile maybe 1-4 weeks it helps when you lose alot like this...if he keeps playing right now every time he looks in his bank hes gonna be upset and it will make him feel even more like quitting...Back when construction first came out I was on my main showing off my mask set (60m) at the time and my 30m cash to noobs near the house portal...this person came up to me and invited me in to his house he challenged me to a fight in his combat ring and I accepted...when I was at 5 hp he booted me from his house, and back then when you got booted from someones house your hp stayed whatever it was when you where booted...so he kicks me I have 5 hp and he asks me if I want some food I said yes..he trades me gives me karabwan...back then if you ate it and hadn't done a quest that made it safe it poisoned you doing 8 damage...I didn't know this I ate it and instantly it poisoned me...I died and lost it all I kept my dragon chain fury and d legs though='(....It was hard I was so upset so I quit runescape for 2 months when I came back I didn't even care about those items anymore I just kept on playing and made my pure...which is this account...just take some time off and when you come back you'll be motivated to keep playing and keep working...good luck bro in whatever you decide to do though........

Like a great man once said,"and that's all I've got to say about that".......

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That's fucked up.

You could have stopped it though, ur pray was so low at like the 3rd spec already.

I would stop but that's not because u lost the Ags but cuz Rs stinks

yea, let's blame JaGex for this, maybe a riot in Falador.

on topic: Don't risk what you don't want to lose, that was stupid. why didn't you just pot and selected portect item?you were obviously dead and intead of potting, you belived in luck and speced the dude and then aet.

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Iz Ahrim Iz

Besides the fact that it was really poor decision making which resulted in your loosing the AGS, you should continue to play.

At the end of the day, GP is pixel money. You have a great account, your in a great community so just slowly bounce back.

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Flabbyrange lost Ags when Foe rushed Fatality in Pvp, he now has claws, ags, bgs and full stat/vesta.

Just make it back through merchs and stuff.

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