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=- Final Ownage Elite -= Gwas Mode Activated =


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Higher Force Ledge GWAS: http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=wajamp&s=7

Final Ownage Elite VS Mayhem Makers: Uploading.


After an hour of chasing clans who were reluctant to fight us, we located Higher Force in world 124 and decided to have a little fun. We eventually lured them to the North-East BH ledge and gwas'd them for excellent loot (See the tinypic vid above for lulz).  :cool:



After an hour and a half of killing anything we came into contact with, Final Ownage Elite scouts located MM who were waiting for us inside the Black Knight's Fortress. It was obvious that we were walking straight into a mass barrage pile as there was one door into the middle of the fortress where MM were spread, but we happily went in and gained bankloot. Final Ownage Elites then continued to own them in single for further loot.

Foe Starting - 80

Mayhem Makers Starting - 55

Foe Ending - 75

Mayhem Makers Ending - 0







Thanks for all the fights and make sure to watch the vids!  :happy:



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Don't forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!

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