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o0 PK Vid [III] -- Combos out the A**

o0 PK Vids

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If you can't take criticism don't post your videos here.  Simple.

Oh and I don't give a fuck, if you spec from full hp it's like rolling a dice.  It's called luck.  Learn some skill and we'll talk.

Hey dude I'm not looking for a flame fest. What you're doing isn't constr. crit.

You are a guest flaming me about the forums. I have been on these boards longer than you, I know what to expect = Mature players.

And sorry to break it to you... But pking in general is like 'rolling dice'. You can demonstrate skill on changing gear, hybriding, 1v1 pking, and comboing but at the end of the day Jagex decides how you hit.

If you don't like pure pking videos i would suggest not watching these boards...

Keep replying if you must. I'm done argueing on the net over a dumb disagreement?

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yo bro its t0ur 2 1umby! long time no talk

Sup dude long time indeed. join my cc sometime to chat with me  :Hi:

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Fuck what everyone else said about your phrases who cares, the vid was awesome and thats all that matters. Also that kid who flamed you for speccing at hp is an idiot, obviously it works.

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Fuck what everyone else said about your phrases who cares, the vid was awesome and thats all that matters. Also that kid who flamed you for speccing at hp is an idiot, obviously it works.

Ye. TBH I wish I didn't have to but in my blooper vid you will see all the KO's I get that I can't use because ppl die before my combos are done cranking.

And you know what... to each his own.

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I really enjoyed watching this video. I don't really care about the catch phrases, it's only a little bit annoying, that's all (the kills made up for that). I am working on stats atm, after that I will release my first BH video on this account. Will be pretty much comboing and maybe some drags/hybriding.

Anyways nice video bro. Really liked it! 5/5


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I am not a SW product. Had my stats except HP when SW was out.

Yet in 9 str + ranged levels (14M~ xp?) you got 2M in hp?

Turned off after "I am so good at this" but the combos were all right.

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Great account.  Great k0s.  Good pker.. not great pker.  A lot of specs from full hp but I guess I should come to expect this from pures..  Also just shut your face when you kill people it makes you seem so unprofessional I just can't seem to stand it.  Just turn off your public chat if you have to..  If you didn't have the 'catchphrases' it would be 100x better.

tl;dr amazing

people complain bout low specs, he full hpd, shut the hell up

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