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help a newb out

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Sup boys, took a MASSIVE break from rs way back, came back about 3-4 years ago and started this 13 def pure, did nothing but questing and a bit of training and got burnt out.

Now I'm back (i think) and want to progress my account but I have no clue what to do, since many things have changed. Even 3-4 years ago I just did the basic questing and some crab/nmz training so didn't even really play the game.


Whats good to do on pures now? Slayer viable? Crabs still best for training my low str now? When to move to nmz? 


Appreciate any tips, doesn't have to be the most efficient xp/h thing either cuz thats probably what got me burned out. Just trying to have some fun while grinding I guess.





PS : Already wrote this in my intro post but maybe some1 reads/helps me out faster here. I have my old forums account "Seven Damage" here but I can't log in because of the authenticator thing (got a new phone and lost the app) anyone who can recover it for me or is that not possible? Thanks anyway!

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7 hours ago, K2P said:

75 attack 99 str 99 range 99 magic 99 hp join foe win the game fuck bitches

This might be the best advice you’ll ever receive in your life. 


I’d nmz str up to 90+


Do 60 or 75 atk


Ranged at nmz or chinning

mage either alch, burst, fire wave/surge nmz

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1 hour ago, Lay tha Dds said:

This might be the best advice you’ll ever receive in your life. 


I’d nmz str up to 90+


Do 60 or 75 atk


Ranged at nmz or chinning

mage either alch, burst, fire wave/surge nmz


Alright thanks

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