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with a series of connected chest moves brought to you by 3D CHESS we have done it for the first time. Wondering what we are talking about? We’re talking about YAI. A simple three letter similar to drain but in a new way a osrs way it was shoutout by @zl8lat gate when APEX was found in a barrage clump or when it was used in CC FORMAT rsn: ONLY ONE YAI to win a 25v25 unprepared fight against APEX a simple yet easy task when used with YAI. It’s crazy to me in just three weeks we could take a word and litterly transform it to a stylish word a updated 2021 version of ownage this is a real life transformation in front your eyes the forums got filled with YAI we’re not going to be playing this game forever β™Ύ but I’m glad I got to make a 2021 updated version of Ownage of success of triumph of dank weed of a dank lifestyle of everything FOE much love to everyone that used it and made it be out to what it is today your gangstar your friend nolifeleft mothsfucking life real life modern day KFAFA love πŸ’•Β 

*a insert of words that describe the current warm environment of FOE a clan based of elite 1 def pures*Β 


Edited by nolifeleft
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