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Bulking Season


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Anyone else out there enjoying their winter bulk?

Feeling Very full and strong rn, increasing in size and weight daily. ive been bulking for a little over a month and a half now going from 172 > 188 lbs


Continuing from here im going to do a 2 week mini cut to lose some body fat then continue my bulk until the end of February.


Current S/DL/CP


Squat > 140kg x 3

Chest  > 110kg x 3

Deadlift > 180kg x 3


dont really go for the 1rm i like to keep myself doing more reps :p


little over two years now, still natty and going strong :)



Edited by Dripz
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8 hours ago, Erik said:

He's lost a bunch of fat and is shredded so whatever he does obviously works for him.

A "2 week cut" will never be anything significant and isn't necessary. How can you not understand that lol. 

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