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[Foe] #1 F2P PK Trip ~ Legends of F2P ~ CP Broken


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Today Final Ownage Elite peaked at 87 elites for the F2P trip. We were ready to battle Corrupt Pures down numbers and we beautifully dismantled them the entire trip pushing their numbers down from 100 to 50 at the conclusion of their trip, while we still had 75 strong ending them and being the last clan standing.


We fought the entire trip down numbers at the beginning but we performed brilliantly to hold it out and outclass them today.

Thanks to all elites for attending and to CP for the easy victories.


See you all tomorrow.






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To begin the trip we set up to defend at hills hut with 80 strong elites. CP + RD + LPC invites were headed our way so we quickly hopped worlds to bait them to log in to our world underneath us. As they logged in we banged out about 5 instantly so the fight began around ~85v90. We completely destroyed them this fight gaining a 10 man lead very easily. Pushing them back north onto sperm hill about to demolish them even more, Fatality crashed in our capes... so they instantly dipped with 60 in game to our 85, we hardly lost any Foe that fight. Watch the video for the quick slaughter.





Taking the 1-0 lead we were ready to demolish CP a second time today. They logged into our world near 18 ports pond and we began the fight down 20, 80v100 with no fear as we knew we could outlast them and their shitty invites.




We slowly dragged the fight to corp hill and then 13 ports to hold for returners since we were constantly fighting down. Eventually we evened out the numbers and began to demolish them and they were forced to hold the singles line. We controlled 13 ports while CP was west until Fatality and EOP made an appearance in the fight so we kept transitioning between clans, focusing those closest to us. We maintained the lead the entire fight and pushed EOP away and CP into single. Supremacy also joined the fight briefly but moved away when they were caught in our rampage of killing CP. When the map was cleared we moved away to regroup, was easy for the 2-0.


We fought CP again for the third time near 13 ports. The fight didn't last long, and immediately moved into single. They began dragging it towards mossies so we chased them north hitting them in single. Once we reached mossies, we completely demolished them in a singles  fight and their pull was reduced from 100 to ~35 in game.




They tried running north to multi just to run back into single, some weird tactics LOL. Eventually we moved north into multi and they followed. With a 20 man lead, we easily pushed them all the way back south. They gained returners so we slowly dragged it towards gdz. When we were halfway there and received enough returners to end them, we pushed them back west to spider hill and cleared CP as we walked them down into single at mossies.





EOP was on their way to help them because they couldn't last 1v1 and natually they were gaining returners so we moved all the way north to the fence with 70 strong. As soon as EOP was near the fight they randomly moved away and we were left to 1v1 CP again, completely destroying them.





We dragged the fight towards rune rocks this time, and when CP followed they instantly got lured into us and destroyed so they moved back to mossies and logged out as we pushed them back east.


CP ended at this stage with a ~60 pull and we had 75 still strong taking the day as #1 as they wouldn't fight us again. Good job today, elites!



















Edited by Danny
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