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X Apokalypse

Lord elvenmage has returned to wreak havok upon thy dragon slayers of the wilderness, armed with his trusty adamant full helmet and his mystical magic bow mercy and fear he does not know thy meaning.

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the only defirence is that i am of a different sect to overkil. You see once we were great... we had discovered the great elvemage and his holy ways he had shone on us his holy light- we would praise him all day every day- from the hot sandy blood encrusted duel arena all the way to the tall spires of camelot. things were good for us elvemage was showing favour upon his favourite servents me and overkil started gathering followers ie. oso/garren/the seek and all was good with both me and overkil teaching garren the wisdom of elvemage and how he may empower you into greatness and strength...levels. well we contineud like this for a long time even when some doubted us- they called us heretics (i am not naming names but **** U SARADOMISTS) we were getting a lot of unworthy attention by the barbarions of slums of runescape - often a time was that me and overkil had to use multiple super energy pots (only energy pots for overkil cuz elvemage made me richer) on running away from the hordess wanting to castrate and crucify us for our religious beleifs, then soething amazing happened. The hordes started to see our wisdom more and more were coming in to the holy arms of elvemage who would welcome each with a warm hearth and some tuna cooked on the fire. garren started growing stronger in elvemages grace. Overkil started to become coorrupt with power, thinking he had made garren his prodigy child when he was my sidekick. Then wat happened next was a tragedy, there is a book about it if you want to further your runescape knowledge but i will be breif here. three words... Betrayal At Falador. i was just prasing elvemage of my 82nd kill that day drinking the blood of my foe and offering his heart out to the lord when i saw two flaming arrows comign towards my head i thought to myself who woudl dare from the shadows try to attack a high preist of elvemage as i used my daring and agility to do a barrel roll and then jump away from the arrows. what i saw next i can only call runescape insanity. thousands upon thousands of dragon medium helmets in all their mobly ugly glory, running towards me with red daggers glinting in the moonlight. at their head a person who i had loved like a brother. the brother who had started the elvemage order with me. dressed in preist robes and a orange boater there he was, overkil . nether the less the hordes of corrupt overkil followers were not blessed like me in elvemages grace i was slaying them by the hundreds, after 300 though my special bar was running out and overkil seemed only to be calling more and more corrupt servants. then out of the sewers of falador i saw a pair of gleaming red eyes that seemed to be sipping a glass of apple juice, come here he said and having no other option i ran to him- it was none other then my sidekick garren/the seek the only non corruped elvemage follower in sight. i folowed him aways running desperates i tried to grasp the situation asking him how he had got hre and how he was uncorrupted. he replied that the only non corrupt followers of elvemage left was he and paul (paul was one of the earliest followers and gained great fame and fortune following the ways of elvemage, the practice of praising elvemage wouldn't be this reknowned and so ritualised if it wasnt for this great warrior paul) it turns out garren and paul had been seeing overkils corruption for a long time and had planned for it a long ttime ago setting up supplies for a new base. anyway this is getting out of hand so i will just say that we made it out htat night and i started a new order of elvemage an un corrupted one. i do not know what happened to overkil- some say he changed his ways for good and is now an avid follower of elvemage without corruption but me i cannot trust him anymore or until elvemage offers me a sign. what he did to elvemages grace is unforgiveable by me and only the great lord can offer salvation to overkil.

so that is why you are not disiples benz and pure a0c

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An Eye witness account of the day Disciples of Elvemage was created-

It seemed like just a normal day in runescape for Blindblade, he was going to kill some green dragons and make some cash and maybe get a few prayer levels while he was at it. Though that was all about to change, as he passed the friendly hill giants, he saw someone in the distance; they looked like someone he had never seen before. They wore blue robes, accented with white trim, and on his head rested a fierce green adamantite helmet, in his hands a blue bow. Blindblade was taken a back by the presence of this player, he tried to run, knowing it was one of the player killers that had annoyed him in the past, he tried to move his legs but they were frozen to the ground. Blindblade frantically clicked everywhere on the map trying to escape so that he might save his items, his body was pierced quickly by arrows. Ten damage, Fifteen damage, Twenty damage, Blindblade’s palms were sweating now, he knew he had little chance of making it out alive. The players bow fired again and again, Blindblade quickly devoured the pizza’s he had spent many hours at the bandit camp making, but the greasy pie couldn’t slide down his gullet fast enough. Suddenly Blindblade could move his feet, he made a quick dash for the trees to the south, it was in vain. Again he heard the ice crash down upon his armor, he was frozen, three more arrows shot his back, eighteen, twenty-three, twenty-two. Blindblade was down, he had been made into a pixel pincushion by this robe wearing bandit, as Blindblade was falling face forward into the ground, he managed to right click the fiend that had killed him to glance at his name, that name was, Elvemage

Some passages from the Holy Book Of Elvemage: Blindblade's Tale of Salvation and Trials in Runescape MMORPG by JaGeX ltd.


Slimmeh, 76;21, And as I watched, with my beady eyes, pearing through the forest. Stroking my black salamander, hiding under my dragonfire shield, I saw this blue, green headed ascented godlike creature. It held blindblade with ice, his one climbing boot wertched, torn and wreaking of dragon feces, to the ground, as he fired his arrows, piercing through blindblades skin he bellowed "I AM LORD ELVEMAGE, BOW BEFORE ME HONOURFUL FOLLOWER OF RUNESCAPE."

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X Apokalypse

We couldn't afford the bills for the banner, but lord elvemage will be pleased with the plunder we have aquired

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