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Final Ownage Elite #1 F2P PK Trip ~ F2P LEGENDS ~ EOP DEAD


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Today Final Ownage Elite peaked at 88 elites for the F2P trip. With an amazing pull, we set out to wipe the wilderness of every shit, scummy clan in site. Turns out there's only one that falls under that category at the moment, and they were obliterated off the map every single time they were in a world together. Single? Multi? Edge? We followed the pathetic excuse of a pure clan everywhere and demoralized them until they ended.


See you tomorrow for P2P, we're going to have double your pull in case you didn't know.


EOP Dead:



What was left of them after the slaughter.

















We began by hitting in EOP single because they are the scummiest fucking clan and need to know their place. They quickly logged out lol.


We continued to hunt down EOP. We found them near corp and rushed in focusing them. The fight was quite easy, as we kept dragging them south and luring them into us as we slayed them. During this time TLP was also on us as we rushed them fighting EOP. We kept our composure and focused EOP destroying them. Fatality rushed in so they moved away and we just kept chasing EOP. They moved away because they were suffering to get above 30 in game. We fought TLP for a while up 15 at 18 ports and they put up a great fight until EOP came back all the way to hit us so we moved south. With no intention of fighting 2 clans at once we moved away to get a quick regroup at graves.


We hopped to EOP's world as they were walking down and killed them instantly, watching them run like bitches. They started walking to corp and TLP rushed... SMH TLP for teaming with a clan that ddosed one of your elders for an AGS yesterday. We moved away and nobody followed.


We rushed TLP near gdz. We were up 15 to begin with and the fight went on for quite a while. They did well down numbers, thanks for the fight, but EOP crashed when we had a 5 man lead and we moved to gap. Expecting TLP to team on crash just like they previously did with EOP, we were surprised and disappointed when they remained on us. We couldn't move to gdz, so we dragged the fight all the way to corp. EOP

s propaganda once again hit the roof when they thought they cleared us. Once we reached corp, we moved south to CA to avoid their mains, and our returners picked up. We simply regained momentum and fucking obliterated EOP when they had no aid. We pushed them all the way back to corp and single as they were cleared, peaking up to 75 members to their 25 in single.


Get fucked EOP.


RD then tried fucking with us and aiding EOP so we rushed them and they ran to single. We ended the last clan at corp in multi.


While no clans were in multi, we rushed Supremacy for some nice fun & action. CP then came from mossies so we turned on them. We did experience a little 1v1v1 or 1v2, was hard to tell, but was quite fun. Supremacy moved away and we pushed CP away. 


Thanks for the small fight.


EOP then decided to join the party. They rushed us at dwarves and we pushed them all the way from dwarves to gdz. This is when the real slaughter began. For 10-15 minutes we simply made EOP run laps around the gdz hut. Peaking at 80+ elites in game they could never reach over 30 in game. We completely wiped them off the map, and when they were completely destroyed, demoralised and done we claimed the hut as ours and #1 F2P.


Get fucked.



We then had a BS fest walking down, and ran into Fatality vs CP. We quickly cleared it up and ended the day very satisfied.


See you all tomorrow for P2P!










Edited by Danny
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Once again we prove we are the true Elites, the last surviving pure clan. The ability to smash a 39 deffers and mains is unique to FOE and FOE will stand proud in a sea of green.


Never Cheat, Never Lie, Final Ownage Till I Die.

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