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  4. Guido


    foe spring awards?????

  5. ceZa


    ty my young padawan never been a goal of mine tbh. ive accomplished it before, got different type of goals now.
  6. Aqua


    When max total
  7. Fake Smile


    gz kid
  8. ceZa


    ty my love šŸ˜˜ l0l true
  9. Go Hard


    500M total xp 15 hunter/33 rcing/11 farming; SMH
  10. Go Hard


  11. ceZa


    New Gunna album out boys, anyone else checked it out yet? If so, thoughts? My fav song is this one:
  12. ceZa


    500m total exp accomplished, just 2 ish years on overtime šŸ˜› Get your +1s šŸ™‚
  13. Coggy


    Sup Vans
  14. Claay


  15. Earlier
  16. Foe Icey

    Command & Conquer

    So I joined this... I play for Soviet union.
  17. Fake Smile

    Command & Conquer

  18. Fake Smile


    u r from france brah
  19. Go Hard

    Command & Conquer

    These Red Alert games were truly amazing!
  20. Go Hard


    Double ags speccing is OSC meta
  21. ceZa

    This game just turns my brain into mush

    King of memes, is that you? šŸ˜Ž
  22. Aqua

    This game just turns my brain into mush

    Iā€™m just memein
  23. ceZa

    This game just turns my brain into mush

    xD trying to keep the forums alive cuh, and you should already know I'm a pc freak on FOE forums for years šŸ˜„
  24. Aqua

    Working on 2k total

    Ceza proceeds to geavedig
  25. Aqua

    This game just turns my brain into mush

    Ceza stop gravedigging
  26. Aqua

    One Evenings Bot Abuse

    Damn what did you do to smite? Drag knives just outlast? also reopen MM
  27. Aqua

    Command & Conquer

    I miss playing strategy games tbh
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